Do You Have The Confidence To Make Your Own Choices?
Jul 28, 2023
There is one thing that I know for sure - we all have the power to make our own choices. Unfortunately, many lack the confidence to actually exercise that power. They simply let others make choices and decisions for them, floating along the stream of whatever anyone else wants. But how do you know if you’re making your own choices or just blindly following along with what others want?
In this article, we’ll help you identify if you have the confidence to make your own choices in life or if you’re going through life blindly following other peoples opinions.
When it comes to life decisions, do you make them yourself or do you consult with others?
While asking for the opinions of others who aren’t so close to the situation is an important part of making an informed decision, if you’re relying on it too heavily it can be an indication that you lack the confidence to make your own choices.
When it comes time for an important decision, do you rush to your friends and immediately ask them what you should do? Do you take all the advice into consideration or do you just make the decision others told you to make?
With simple decisions, do you make the call sometimes or do you always go with the decisions of others?
When it comes to things like where to eat, what to do, what to wear, do you make the call sometimes or do you let others take the lead? While it’s good to let others decide sometimes, if you never make the decision there might be a problem.
Dig deeper into this: why do you not make the decision? Is it because of the people involved; will it cause a heated debate? Or, is it because you’re not confident enough to speak up and make the decision for yourself and get what you want.
Do you make choices for yourself?
While everyone struggles to make decisions from time to time, if you find yourself never able to decide and make choices for yourself without the influence of others, it’s a sign of a worse problem you need to address.
" Build confidence and momentum with each good decision you make from here on out and choose to be inspired." - Joe Rogan
Why do you need to build up your confidence to make choices for yourself?
Part of adulthood is making choices for yourself. You only get one chance at life. You want to live the life that’s going to make you happy, that’s filled with what you want, not what someone else wants for you. Making choices for yourself helps you take control of your life and demand that it’s everything you want it to be.
Building up your confidence to make your own choices.
There are many exercises and practices you can try daily to help you build up your confidence. We recommend looking into ones specifically designed to improve your ability to make choices for yourself. The more you work on your confidence, the easier making choices will become. Stick to it and don’t give up; the benefits are well worth it.
Here are some tips to help you feel confident about making decisions.
1. Identify what decision has to be made. Be clear of the outcome you want.
2. Brainstorm the options you have
3. Eliminate the unsuitable options by using a simple set of criteria. For example ask yourself;
- what is most important here?
- will this work?
- will it fit the time frame?
- is this the easiest option?
- do I like this option?
- Will this option make me feel good or make me feel like I have 'settled' for something?
4. You may then have narrowed down your choices. Wit the options left, give them a score of 1-10
5. Decide on the best option for you!
You have the power!
We all have the power to make decisions for ourselves and make our lives what we want them to be. Many people don’t exercise this power, however, and let others make all their choices for them. Among many other downsides to this, it can cause them to lead the life someone else wants for them, rather than the life they want to lead.
We hope this article has helped to inspire you to build up your confidence, make choices for yourself, and construct the life you want to lead. It won’t be easy, but the effort is well worth it in the end.
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